Sunday, October 20, 2013

Good Things and God Things.

This weekend was full of good stuff and God stuff.

1) After a little bit of a late start to the weekend (I did some overtime at work to add to the wedding fund), Patrick and I headed over to my future sister-in-law's sister's house to do some pumpkin carving. And drink pumpkin beers. Because at this time of year you can never have too much pumpkin. 

Basically, we turned these:

Into these:

And I also go to play with a baby. So overall, very good night.

2. The next morning, Saturday, I woke up at 5:30 am. Yes, 5:30 am. I headed over to the Mascolo residence to carpool with Michelle & Annemarie to the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception. There was this event called the Long Island Catholic Women's Conference that a few of my friends had helped organize, and we knew a bunch of other people that were going too. It was a nice day at a beautiful place, and I got to see a lot of awesome people, and take a break from life for a bit, and think about God and things. So yeah.

3. After that awesomeness, I was very exhausted and very tempted to go home and go to sleep. But my friend Charlie, who is basically one of the most awesome people in the universe, was having a birthday party in Brooklyn. 

Something strange happens when you get into a long term relationship. You get lazy. It suddenly seems so much more appealing to stay in on a Saturday night and watch Netflix instead of getting dressed up and traveling into the city or whatever. But I'm realizing now that maybe we should make more of an effort to do just that while we still can, while we're still young. The wedding is a year away, and we want to start having kids not long after that, and then there will be no more late night trips into Brooklyn.

So, we went. And I'm really glad we did. There's something you get out of actual socialization and conversation with new people that you just can't get out of Netflix. Another bonus is that Charlie's group of friends are pretty much all Catholic, and "cool" Catholics. There's nothing like talking to a girl who basically resembles a tall model in a hipster wardrobe, but is also wearing a religious bracelet and is telling you about the year of missionary work she did in Brazil. Or the cute couple relaying how awesome a trip to the Cloisters was. Or the trendy girls who launched their own legit magazine (Verily magazine) because publications like Cosmo are trashy. The Catholic young adult scene in New York City is so amazing I wouldn't even believe it existed if I didn't see it myself. 

Also, there was a bocce ball court in the middle of the bar (Union Hall). And the bathroom was co-ed. So there was that.

4. This morning I discovered that I am no longer capable of having more than two beers without succumbing to a major hangover. This is unfortunate. But, I had to get out of bed eventually because at 2 pm Patrick and I were scheduled to see a house in Melville again that we saw last week, this time with Patrick's parents. I fell in love with the house a little bit more, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up. There's already another "interested party" trying to outbid us. This. Is. Stressful.

5. Had another youth group meeting tonight. The topic was love. The teens were awesome. Chatting with the other core members after was awesome too. The more I experience in life the more I understand why God wants us to live a certain way. I feel like if I had lived up to that "ideal," I would have saved me from having so many painful memories and baggage. But living in 2013 makes being Catholic very hard for so many reasons. (Not that it was ever easy, now that I think about it. Pretty much all of the 12 apostles got tortured and killed.)

I'm going to leave you all with this quote from the incredible C.S. Lewis displayed in a nifty little graphic by the chicks at Verily magazine:

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