Probably feeling very lame about taking a selfie and loathing the word "selfie."
ANYWAY. Ever have one of those days where you were like, "what the hell, I'm going to start a blog"? I did. Today.
My name is Diana Christine Caporaso and I used to blog back in the day when blogs were called "online journals." (Why did they change that anyway?)
About the title of this blog. In case you were wondering. Sneakers Stories Salvation? But why?
1. I'm a fan of alliteration.
2. They allude to three of the things that I'm most passionate about in my life: Running, writing, and God.
3. I think that pretty much explains it.
401: The number of days until I cease to be just Diana Christine Caporaso and become Diana Christine Caporaso Murphy.
13.1: The number of miles I will be running this weekend at the Rock N Roll Half Marathon in Philadelphia.
3: The number of years I have volunteered as a core member with Our Lady of Mercy Lifeteen in Hicksville. Youth ministry = amazing awesomeness and I'm not afraid to say it. Year four is about to start in the next couple of weeks.
20: The number of pounds I want to lose before my wedding next year.
5,972: The number of times during an average work day that I want to stab myself in the eye I ask myself why I'm wasting a majority of my life behind a cubicle.
Okay, that's enough numbers for now. I'm a writer, anyway. I do better with words.
Goodbye for now, world.
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